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Szucs Foundation

Aid to War Ravaged Ukraine Orphanages

Updated: Jul 6, 2022

President Jerry Szucs thanking volunteers for their help.

The Szucs Foundation through its President, Jerry Szucs, recently became aware of the plight of three orphanages and a number of single moms with large families living approximately two hour’s drive from the Ukrainian Capitol of Kyiv. Here is the background:

Because these orphanages were often neglected in the past by both the public in general and often by the relatives of the orphans themselves, Oksana Zolotukhina and her husband Ivan formed a nonprofit organization to provide aid and comfort to these often forgotten people. For the past 10 years this husband and wife team along with other volunteers in the organization brought needed supplies and other gifts to the large number of disabled children and adults living in these orphanages, which served as their permanent homes. This was done through monthly visits by these same volunteers. Then the war came and the shelling of the Capitol began. Oksana and Ivan had to flee for their lives. At first they escaped to Romania and after text message exchanges with friends from New Jersey, urging them to come to the United States, they eventually made their way to Brigantine, New Jersey.

Volunteers loading boxes with donated supplies

Oksana and Ivan, although safe in Brigantine, felt the need to continue to help their often neglected friends – the disabled adults and children in the orphanages back in Ukraine. They wanted to continue that help, but couldn’t do it by themselves, because of their own limited resources here in America. They found a partner in Maria and Robert Polillo, who live in Brigantine. They started asking friends and relatives to donate supplies and other items for shipment back to the orphanages. Maria asked if I could help.

That’s where the Szucs Foundation enters the picture. The Foundation agreed to collect goods and supplies and have them shipped back to the orphanages. Here’s how it works. Once the shipment arrives from the United States to the Ukraine border by way of Poland, volunteers from the United World Culture Foundation pick up the shipment and arrange through a volunteer network to take it to the orphanages and the 10 single women with their fatherless children. So far, 256 pounds of supplies have been sent. Cash donations covered the almost $ 1000 shipping cost, which averaged out to $ 2.38 per pound. But more is needed and the situation is desperate. The orphanages, which the Ukrainians call shelters, have been heavily damaged by the bombing. Even though they remain dangerous places, the mothers, infants, small boys and girls are still there. They have no way out and they are badly in need of our help. See our list of needed supplies and items under “Wish List”.

The Frankie’s World Foundation ( which for disclosure purposes is a subsidiary of the Szucs Foundation ) and the Szucs Foundation are both 501(C)3 nonprofit organizations approved by the IRS as public charities. They have combined their efforts to help in this cause. This is especially significant for the Frankie’s World Foundation because it is a medical daycare center dedicated solely to special needs children and the Ukrainian orphanages consist of all special needs children and adults. Below are images of the recipients of the donated goods in Ukraine.

The present view is that the war will continue well into the future and that the current needs will remain. Please be generous and help us in this worthy cause. The collection site for bringing or sending supplies and other items is located at the Frankie’s World Medical Daycare Center building:

Frankie’s World Foundation

1001 Poplar Street

Philadelphia, Pa 19130

Checks to cover shipping costs can be sent to the same address, but make out the checks to Szucs Foundation.

Submitted by Jerry Szucs,

President, Szucs Foundation

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